By FDI Creative Services on 10/24/2019
Category: News

Boating Near Dredging Projects

Every day there are countless ongoing dredging and marine construction projects ongoing across the United States.  These marine projects are driven by the need for repairs, development, and shoaling.  These work zones typically require equipment and operations to be ongoing in waterways that are normally navigated by boat traffic.  As these projects are executed, safety hazards can often arise not only for the workers themselves, but also for anyone on a boat in the area.  

Hazards in the area of a dredging or marine construction project can include:

As the operator of any water craft, it is important to recognize these type projects and to adjust your normal operating procedures to account for the added risk.  The following guidelines should always be used in the presence of a dredging or marine construction operation:

By following these tips, boaters can help ensure their own safety, as well as that of the the workers present on the job sites.  Safety first!