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The FASFLO 75 oil skimmer is designed for use in fast flowing waters such as rivers, or while being towed by a vessel. This advancing skimmer design slows the water inside the skimmer, bringing the oil to the surface, allowing it to be recovered by the weir at the back of the skimmer. An adjustable integral hydroplane allows the trim to be adjusted for optimal performance. These skimmers can capture oil with a wide range of viscosities and works well in an offshore environment. The onboard, hydraulically driven positive displacement pump is used to remove the oil and discharge it to storage. Aside from the pump and adjusting weir lip, there are no other moving parts. The simplicity of this design minimizes maintenance and potential downtime.

The full system is made up of the FASFLO 75 skimmer head with on-board rotary lobe transfer pump, a GP 70 power pack, and all the necessary hoses (60 ft hydraulic and 60 ft discharge).


  • Recovery: up to 330 gallons per minute (gpm)
  • Design: Self-adjusting weir
  • Weight: 771 lbs
  • Dimensions: 157 in x 87 in x 37 in
  • Recommended: Light to medium refined oil, weathered crude
  • Application: Fast moving rivers, coastal or offshore when towed