Turbidity Curtain

Turbidity Curtains, a temporary in water sediment barrier, are made up of a continuous geotextile curtain suspended from a flotation device at the surface of the water. The curtain is typically held vertically by a ballast weight at its bottom. The purpose of a turbidity curtain is to contain possible debris and sediments away from the project site. Texas Boom has been manufacturing turbidity curtains for over 25 years. You can trust that with their wealth of experience, Texas Boom will point you in the right direction to receive the products you need. 


Most marine constructions result in soil erosion that results in more suspended particles. This suspended sediment can travel long distances depending on current and wave action and impact water turbidity, marine life and fish feeding behavior. Salmon, for example, need clear water in order to see their prey. However, many prey rely on suspended organic particles which cloud the water. Turbidity curtains are used to contain and deflect sediment in the immediate area. Water flow conditions are a key factor in the design of the correct turbidity barrier. Different water flow conditions may call for a different turbidity curtain. Water direction is another important element. Turbidity barriers, which are not dams, are not meant to stop water flow. Instead, they trap sediment. They should not be placed across channel flows. You must ensure that your turbidity curtain is in the right place, or else it may not function properly. Texas Boom’s turbidity curtains are top of the line and are ready to be used. Texas Boom has a wide variety of oil spill/containment related products forTexas Boom Turbidity Curtain you. 


Silt curtains and turbidity barriers are an effective way to keep debris out of the water. They can also reduce the spread and impact sediment disturbance when they float around the area. These barriers can be used for any size job due to their simplicity and availability. They can be used to protect small mining or construction jobs, but they will also work well for larger offshore and close-shore operations. Poor water turbidity curtains can inadvertently overwhelm a body of water and make it difficult for animals and plants to thrive. Any amount of foreign material can cause problems for aquatic plants and animals. Too much sediment can cause water to overflow and prevent sunlight from reaching the waterway. Turbidity barriers and silt curtains are used to prevent unwanted sediments from entering the project area. If you’re doing a project near a body of water and need high quality turbidity curtains, get into contact with Texas Boom. Texas Boom prides itself on creating high quality products. 


Silt curtains and turbidity barriers float on top of the water surface and form a curtain or barrier to limit the spread of silt and debris. These barriers can be made in different lengths to enclose a large or small area of work or a shoreline depending on the circumstances. If you require high quality oil spill response/containment products, call Texas Boom.

Texas Boom offers: 

21401 Park Row Drive Suite #340
Katy, TX 77449

Local: (281) 441-2002
Toll Free: (844) 444-8144